Diet to get rid of pimples

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Are you also rid with pimples and acne.

Don’t worry

I will be sharing an amazing diet to get rid of pimples.To make it easier for you I had divided this article into 3 parts.

1 part:Causes of pimples and acne.Things you should avoid If you have pimples and acne.Why pimples occur? and basic knowledge

2 part:Diet which you need to follow to get rid of pimples and acne

So let’s start.

Part 1

Why pimple occur?

Skin break out happens when the openings of hair follicles become obstructed and impeded with oil and dead skin cells. On the off chance that the stopped up pore gets tainted with microorganisms,it shapes a pimple, which is little red knock with discharge at its tip.

Pimple is something a common problem which we get to see in all type of age,specially in teen age.Pimples mostly come on face,back,neck,chest or shoulder.There can be many reasons of occuring of pimple.

We will be talking about most common reasons.

a.Teen age(there is no option to stop pimples and acne if you are in a teen age,this pimples come to most of teenagers due to hormonal changes)

b.Using wrong face wash.(It’s very important to use face wash as per type of our skin)

Oily skin:Use gel based face wash.

Dry skin:Don’t use gel form face wash.

c.Using comedogenic makeup proucts:Comedogenic make up products close all the pores which  and oil production does not function properly(use non comedogenic products)

d.Pollution:Lot of dirt and germs settles down on our face when we go out for our work,office etc(Try to wear a use and throw mask so dirt doesn’t come on face)

e.Sunlight:If you have already pimples and acne then sunlight may worsen it more(apply some moisture cream or cream that protects your face from sunlight)

f.Stress:It will not directly lead to pimples and acne but If you have already pimples and acne then It will increase it more(don’t take stress,try to be positive and happy,you can also do yoga or join laughing classes)

g.Exercise:Many people don’t exercise at all.It is important to give a detox to body and keep your body + mind fresh(Give some time to exercise also,example:cycling,skipping,running,skipping,any type of sport or yog

a.This will also help you to decrease the pimples)

h.Sleeping patern:It had been scientifically proven(It is necessary to have a minimum 8 hours sleep for a healthy body)

Now the main reason comes that is Diet.So let’s discuss in detail about diet to get rid of pimples and acne permanently.

Part 2

The main problem is diet only for occuring of pimples and acne.When we add that type of food which is not easy to digest then it becomes tough for our body.Then it lead not only forming of pimples but many other problems.I will be telling you my diet which I followed during my this pimple time and things

I did to remove pimples and acne.

Morning:After waking up through bed have a 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar.(Take 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it in 1 glass of hot water)..It will help you to detox the body and make the body energetic.

Then go for exercise(any type)

Breakfast:After coming back have a glass of milk(don’t listen to all that fake articles and videos which tells that don’t drink milk.Milk is very important as it is a rich source of zinc) and you can have some fibre based-

fruits(apple,kiwi etc)

Then you can leave for your office or any type of work.But take a water bottle with you.Drink as much of water you can(3-4 litres compulsory)…You can take some fruits also.

Lunch:Add complex carbohydrates and some protiens.(1 bowl rice 1 cup dal and 3-4 wheat rot)Best lunch for reducing pimples and acne.

Evening breakfast:Have a protien milkshake.Don’t add peanuts or peanut butter because it produces more inflamation


Ingredients:Oats,1 glass milk,badams,flavour(optional)

Mix everything and drink it

Dinner:Have a light dinner…(khichdi).etc

Have your dinner 2 hours before you sleep.It will help to digest properly.Don’t use cellphone 2 hours before you sleep.Sleep early

Follow all this steps properly then sure you will also get rid of pimples and acne permanently.

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Disclaimer:This article is for education purpose only and should not be took as professional advice.

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